Dew Sodium/Mixed Cycle Condensate Polishers are available in a wide range of self-contained packages configured in single, double, and triple unit arrangements to treat condensate return for reuse as boiler feedwater. The standard wetted parts for Dew Condensate Polishers are stainless steel. Single units are rated for flows up to 100 m3/hr. For larger flow rates, contact Dew to determine whether larger or multiple units would be appropriate.Economical and efficient, Dew Condensate Polishers can be equipped for manual, semi-automatic or full-automatic operation. Regardless of configuration, only limited technical expertise is required for operation. Dew Condensate Polishers will integrate into a complete water treatment system without expensive custom field engineering and programming.
The power industry operates in an environment of increasingly stringent boiler feed water requirements. Couple this with exploding energy costs and one finds boiler blow down to be the least desirable way of maintaining proper boiler water quality.
As a cost effective alternative to boiler blow down one needs to look no further than simple sodium/Mixed cycle condensate polishing. It’s the smart choice when looking for a means to control corrosion transport and the ill effects of condenser in-leakage. Particularly pronounced are the operating savings realized relative to chemical and energy consumption. Relying on proven ion exchange technology condensate polishers are also simple to operate and maintain.
Dew’s Sodium/Mixed Cycle Condensate Polishers
Dew’s Condensate Polishers are high quality industrial systems. They are available in a wide range of self-contained packages configured in single, double and triple unit arrangements. Standard features are as follows:
- All Stainless Steel Parts
- Flow Rates up to 100 m3 for single units
- ASME Code Stainless Steel Vessel Designed for 100 kg/Cm2
- Factory Assembled Stainless Steel Butterfly Valve
- Stainless Steel Hub and Lateral Underdrain
- Differential Pressure Switch
- Flow Sensor
- NEMA 4XFG Electrical Enclosure
- Outlet Water Sample Valve
- Automatic Backwash Flow Controller
- Separate Cold Water Connection for Regeneration Cycles
- High capacity, High Crosslinked Macroporous Resin
- Raw Water Bypass Piping
- Factory, pre-assembled valve nest on each tank
Why treat Condensate?
Condensate systems always leak. Heat exchangers are where most of the leakage problems start. This is where untreated cooling water can contaminate the process water causing corrosion. Every system must have a method to handle this leakage. When a condensate system is not properly controlled or simply ignored, corrosion takes place. Iron, copper, and other harmful contaminants are washed back into the boiler systems. This wastes energy because these contaminants reduce heat transfer. A simple solution is to blow down the boiler to improve water quality, but this wastes heat and requires more makeup water.
The cost effective solution is to “polish” your contaminated condensate for reuse. As more condensate is reused, less make up water is required, reducing both chemical consumption and energy requirements.
Let Dew work up the energy savings available by polishing your dirty condensate. The payback is both swift and dramatic.